Thank you

Your potential savings:

Ordinary lights

Your Monthly Power Usage
0.00 kWh
Your Monthly Operating Cost
0.00 INR

With LightSense

Your Monthly Power Usage
0.00 kWh
Your Monthly Operating Cost
0.00 INR
Your Monthly Power Usage
Your Monthly Operating Cost

Ordinary lights

0.00 kWh
0.00 INR

With LightSense

0.00 kWh
0.00 INR

Monthly Cost Saving:

0.00 INR

Initial Investment:

0.00 INR

Payback Duration:

0.00 months

Projected 1 year spends:

0.00 INR

Projected 1 year savings:

0.00 INR

Projected ROI for 1st year:

These figures are based on estimates from our internal research and benchmarks, and may not be truly representative of the actual numbers of your specific facility.*